Your reliable Insulated Water Bottle Manufacturer in China
Hono Housewares Co., Ltd is a professional vacuum flask supplier in Zhejiang, China. We are specializing in custom insulated water bottle over 10 years. Over the years moving forward, Hono has developed wide range of insulated drinkwares including: stainless steel water bottle, vacuum flask, travel tumbler, coffee mug, food container etc. We also provide one stop OEM custom manufacturing service to our clients. Our mission is to provide our clients with all types of drinkwares with first quality, nice design and reasonable price. Contact us to make your own labeled water bottle and tumbler cups. More
Why Choose Us
- Over 10 years of industry expertise
- Plenty of knowhow & experience
- Competitive price with good quality
- 60 new designs every year
- Hundreds of innovative products
- Never stop for new technology
- Strict quality control system
- Quality control start from material
- Continuous improvement on quality
- One-stop and overall services
- Quick response & fast improvement
- Comprehensive supply-chain support
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How to Custom Insulated Water Bottle
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